Theme: ESG, Integrity & Anti- Corruption in an International Context of Compliance.
Thursday 4th & Friday 5th July, 2024 - Capital C Amsterdam

Claudia Zimmermann

Since mid-March 2019, Claudia Zimmermann has been responsible for the German-language content of the Risk & Compliance Platform Europe. Claudia is a well-known German TV, radio and print journalist. She has been working as an investigative reporter and book author for three years and is mainly concerned with financial topics and future developments. Online brokers and cryptocurrencies are the topics on which she has been researching intensively for some time. Claudia has already written five books on the subject of online brokers such as “Terrorists of the Financial Markets” and the “International Financial Markets regarding the Brokerage Industry”.

“Cryptocurrencies: Risks and Opportunities of Investment” was her first book on the subject of cryptocurrencies. She has also written two novels about the abuse of power in the media, where she also detailed accounts of her own experiences. Claudia Zimmermann has her own Youtube channel “Gamesoftruth” where she reports critically on these topics and also on numerous fraudsters who cavort in the field of cryptocurrencies.